Sahaj Sabharwal: A young poet & dreams beyond sky

17-year-old Sahaj Sabharwal, a poet from Jammu, has so far authored more than 20 poems. His first book was recently released worldwide. Interestingly, his name will travel to Mars next year. In an interview to The News Now, he speaks some of his achievements.  

You are a budding poet at such a young age. How did this journey start?

I have been penning down my thoughts in the form of poems since I was in Class 8th. That year, on Mother’s Day, I had gifted my mother probably my first poem titled ‘Mother’. Everyone liked it and encouraged me, so the journey began.

Please tell us something about your book ‘Poems by Sahaj Sabharwal’.

The book contains all of my poems (both –English and Hindi), articles and motivational quotes. It is available in over ten countries including India, United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Italy, France and Japan, in both paperback as well as e-book editions.

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You have your book published before you graduated from school. How does that feel?

LiteraturesLight, a renowned publishing company, contacted me and showed interest in publishing my work. It feels great! My work can be read online on various platforms such as Youth Ki Awaz, YourQuote, and PoemHunter.

Considering you’re in Class 12th, a board class, how do you manage time for your writing and education?

I am a student of non-medical stream at Delhi Public School Jammu and this year I’ll be appearing for board exam, so the pressure is obvious. However, I do find some time to write. It helps me relieve stress and saves me from boredom.

What is your favourite subject to write about?

I think most of my work is about teenage years. Social issues like smartphone addiction, India-Pakistan rivalry, etc also interest me. I keep an eye on my surroundings and write about it, largely using rhyming words.

How has been this year for you as poet and writer?

It has been a good year for me, given the awards and recognition I have received. To name a few, India Star Proud Award – 2019, Peace and Humanity award, Budding Poet Award by French Club Jammu, Certificate of Publication from UK, International Diploma in Writing and International Merit Certificate in Writing. One of my poems was selected for international anthology. Besides this, I was invited for international meets of poets and writers at UK, Tarija and Hungary, although I could not go because of my classes here.

Apart from writing, you are keen about science and space. We are curious to know about your name travelling to Mars.

It is true that science and space fascinate me to a great extent. I am one of the few humans whose name has been selected to be sent to the Red planet – Mars, stenciled on chips, affixed to NASA’s Mars 2020 rover. This opportunity comes with a souvenir boarding pass and “frequent flyer” points

How supportive your family and school has been through this journey?

My family supports me through thick and thin. They are proud of my achievements, having said that, they are more concerned about my studies. My school encourages me in my diverse endeavours and backs my talent.

What are your plans for future?

I aspire to be an aeronautical engineer, a scientist or a pilot, whilst continuing my writing.

A message that you would like to give to the youth of Jammu.

If they have any thoughts, they can show it to the world by writing poems, articles or quotes. They should give most of their time to career and study hard to achieve their goals.

Also: Read my article at THE NEWS NOW

Meeting the stars | A young poet & dreams beyond sky

Published in The News Now on 28th July, 2019

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