Always wanted to do something for J&K: Tahir Rufayee

At just 22, this Doda boy has 3 startups registered in his name. He is known among those who want to bring a change in Jammu and Kashmir. In this brief chit-chat, we tried to find out more about him & his dreams. Read on.

Please tell us something about yourself – your family, early life and education?

I was born in Pranoo Village of Doda District. I spent most of my early life in my hometown from where I also got my education till Higher Secondary.  I came to Jammu to pursue my graduation. It is here that I started realizing my dreams as well.

Most of the people complete their studies, look for lofty packages, even outside the state. What led you to entrepreneurship in Jammu?

This question in itself says that most of the people do what is convenient for them. Most of the people live for themselves. Entrepreneurship was the most optimized method to live for others, to do something for the people, for my state and most importantly for my hometown. Most of the lads from my hometown belong to lower socioeconomic strata, not everyone can get fancy coaching institutes or quality education in order to get convenient jobs in Govt setup. I didn’t only provide them with jobs, but also new exposure to explore their talents out of the sphere. So the motivation lies within my hometown.

You have become an entrepreneur at a very young age. At the age of 22, you already have 3 startups registered in your name. Please tell us about them?

I started my entrepreneurial Journey in 2016 with a digital media platform Jammu Voice, and when it started getting good response and recognition, I registered my first company Indocom Media Private Limited. We put immense efforts in the stability and scalability of our venture and company. Then, on my 21st birthday, I launched my second company TR Technology Solutions LLP, which is a website and software development company. It has also got a great response within no time.

This year, I have entered into my dream industry, that is healthcare. I have started Bradford Healthcare Private Limited, which is a multidimensional Healthcare company. We are currently running a venture under it called Ayush Medicity, which is a chain of specialized Ayurvedic health and wellness centres. We have also launched our Nutraceutical Division under its ambit.

All of your startups are in completely different fields – technology, journalism and medical. How do you manage it?

Look, change cannot be brought by a single person. One person can float the idea but the whole team perpetuates it. I had an idea. I gathered efficient people from different streams to make it work. No doubt, they did a commendable job. So everything that I have done till now or will be doing in the near future, of course, it will be a result of great teamwork. And I am glad to lead a team of such great enthusiastic young people.

What vision do you have for each of your startups?

Well, I’m focusing on the scalability and expansion of my ventures. In media, I want to open two more ventures, one will focus on the national issues and the other will cover statewide issues.

In technology, I’m focusing on its expansion by opening a few more branches in the state and outside.

I have just entered the healthcare. The focus will be on bringing innovative healthcare models in the state. We are committed to providing high-quality healthcare services at an affordable price and in a convenient way.

We also want to serve the poor and downtrodden people in the remotest areas of our state under our CSR Program.

Any plans for starting another startup in future?

Not yet. I am strengthening my already existing ventures.

What do you have to say to the youth of Jammu and Kashmir?

I have not much to say, because I have not done much. Better things are yet to come. But youth should take note to never ever underestimate their abilities. If you exist, then you have already won a war of survival. If you are a survivor, then you have already brought a change, and when change comes, you are invincible.

Always think out of the sphere. Do something which not only profits you, but the people surrounding you too. Believe in giving and make it your strength.


Also: Read my article at THE DISPATCH

Always wanted to do something for Jammu & Kashmir: Tahir Rufayee

Published in The Dispatch on 11th June, 2019

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