Kamala Mills pub fire

Disasters waiting to happen

A ghastly disaster at Kamala Mills in Mumbai, occurring at the end of the year, claimed as many as 14 lives, including the birthday girl. It is due to sheer negligence on the part of owners and occupants of the building, running business in connivance with the local authorities. The culprits, who circumvent for gains, would get away under some pretext or the other, but the life lost is lost. The indifferent and oblivious locals, who pay no heed to ensure safety or saving the lives, is also to be blamed.

The situation is no different in other parts of the country. The ‘urbanisation’ is hinting at a larger collapse. But the blame game won’t prevent such incidents. There is a need to learn and mend our ways when constructing anything – from roads to buildings. The officials should plan the infrastructure of the area and regularly safety audit all the places, be it residential or commercial, then issue clearances.

Letter to the Editor10
Published in The Tribune on 1st January, 2018


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