Article 35A: Will delay do any good?

After the Centre’s submission that Interlocutor should be given his time to hold dialogues and arrive at a consensus, the Supreme Court deferred the hearing for three months on Article 35A which confers special status to the ‘State Subjects’ of Jammu and Kashmir.

It is likely that the BJP government is pretending to be politically correct and maybe, it is afraid of the ‘volatile situation’ that can be caused by the immediate impact of whatever the decision comes. Giving time for reconciliation is thus, seen as a safer option. But then, the SC is the prime decision-making body and should follow its own procedures and provisions to decide on the matter, when the facts and arguments have already been submitted with it.

The wait for three months for a report from the interlocutor, when the efforts to bring various parties on the board are difficult, has led to an uncertainty of the decision.

The suspended decision has proved that the State and Central governments are apprehensive of the decision and delay will do no good to anyone.


Letter to the Editor7
Published in State Times on 29th December, 2017


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