Worrying Border Management System

The vulnerability of the border has become a serious concern with the increasing incidents of ceasefire violations and infiltration along the India-Pakistan boundary. The efficacy of the existing border security system in thwarting such designs has become questionable. The manpower intensive system being used at present does not provide all-round security, especially in adverse climatic conditions and terrains.

Had there been ground-based radars, yet another cross-border tunnel would not have been possible to construct in Jammu’s Arnia sub-sector, which was detected by BSF personnel on September 30. Some of the recent tunnels discovered were in the Ramgarh sub-sector (February 2017), Allah Mai de Kothe, R S Pura Sector (March 2016), which are an alternative subterranean means to facilitate terrorist infiltration.

The use of high tech border surveillance equipment, like in USA, is under the consideration of government since 2012. The Pathankot terrorist attack in 2016 triggered the immediate implementation of Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System (CIBMS) which can address the gaps by integrating human resources, weapons and high tech equipment. But, at present, it is only being implemented along two stretches in Jammu. The fact that several intruders were arrested with large consignments of heroin and fake Indian currency notes in these stretches highlights their vulnerability. A cross-border tunnel had also been discovered along one of the selected stretches.

Given these shortcomings, efficient and high-tech surveillance system for safeguarding the Indo-Pak border is urgently required to prevent infiltration by terrorists, smugglers et al. Modern technology can prove to be a game changer and force multiplier as it would enhance the detection capabilities of the BSF and improve the impact of the border security against infiltration and trans-border crimes. However, caution must still be exercised while depending on electronic equipment for such a sensitive issue as border protection.

Letter to the Editor3
Published in Daily Excelsior on 19th October, 2017

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